Johannes "John" MCCORD ID#6739, b. 1685, d. after 2 March 1764
Marriage* | Johannes "John" MCCORD married Isabell (surname unknown).1 |
NOTE* | John McCord was a neighbor of Peter Hairston (The Immigrant) and member of Mountain Plain Congregational Church. There are websites that claim John McCord or his son married a Hairston, but I have not found any sources for this. John McCord Sr. died in 1764 in Albemarle County, Virginia and his son John McCord Jr. moved to Abbeville County, South Carolina and witnessed John Hairston's will in 1806. |
Birth* | Johannes "John" MCCORD was born in 1685.2 |
Court Record* | Court Order Book, Goochland County, July 1740 - Road to be Cleared. On Petition of James Martin, John McCord, Thomas Morrison, James Robinson, John Reid, Samuel and James Bell, John Weads, John and James Daben, William Verdeman, John Small and Lazarus Small, leave is granted them to Clear a Road from the Thorrowfare a little of above Morrisons to the Secretary Ford.3 |
Court Record | July 1740, Goochland, Virginia, Johannes "John" MCCORD, Road to be cleared - James Robinson, James Martin, John McCord, Thomas Morrison, John Reid, Samuel and James Bell, John Weads, John and James Daben, William Verdeman, John Small and Lazarus Small from the Thorrowfare a little above Morrisons to Secretarys Ford - July 1740.3 |
Court Record | 15 September 1741, Goochland, Virginia, Johannes "John" MCCORD, On 15 Sep 1741, Peter Hairston, Michael Woods, John Woods, William Wallace and two dozen other residents signed a petition to have a road cleared from Thomas Morrisons to the D.S. tree in Michael Woods Road in Goochland County. It is well known that, in 1734, Michael Woods led a group of families from Pennsylvania through the Shenandoah Valley to settle in Virginia. The gap in the Blue Ridge Mountains that Michael Woods led these families through was called "Woods Gap" until the name was changed to "Jarman Gap" in the 1800s. Michael Woods obtained his first patent in Goochland County in June 1737. Michael Woods was a Presbyterian from Ireland and his grandson John Woods would later marry Agnes Anne Hairston, Peter's granddaughter. "On this petition of James Bell, William Verdeman, William Miller, Peter Hairston, Edward Molloy, Thomas Bell, James Bell Jun., John & Thomas & Hugh Dobbins, Thomas & Charles Hughes, William White, Davis Stockton, Alexander Reid, John Heard, Samuel Bell, William Morrison, John Roberts, David Martin, James Armour, James Robertson, John Fulton, Geo. Powel, John McCord, Saml. Arnett, Richard Stockton, Thomas Stockton, & Hum Dobbins. Leave is given them to clear a road from Thomas Morrisons to the D. S. tree in Michael Woods road. And that the petitioners be exempt from working on any other road." - Goochland County Court Order Book 5, page 3. FSL #7898186 image 22.4,5,6 ![]() |
Deed* | On 12 August 1743, Michael Woods Sr. sells 200 acres to John McCord. - Goochland County Deed Book 4, page 222. FSL #7645025, image 130.5 ![]() |
Court Record | John McCord is appointed surveyor of highway from D.S. to W.M. - Albemarle, Virginia, 28 March 1745.7 |
Church Record | In 1747, Peter Hairston and other members of the church sent a letter inviting Reverend Samuel Black to be their minister of the Mountain Plain Congregation, Ivy Creek, Albemarle County, Virginia. They were Orthodox Reformed Presbyterians. Mountain Plains was built near Lickinghole Creek and Mechum's River. It was named after Michael Wood's plantation. Albemarle County had been formed from Goochland County in 1744. A transcript of the letter is shown below. IVY CREEK, MARCH 29, 1747. -- Whereas it is agreed or proposed that ye Inhabitants of Ivy Creek and ye Mountain Plain Congregation joyn together with ye Congregation of Rockfish, to call and invite ye Reverend Samuel Black, now Residing in ye bounds of ye Reverend Mr. John Craig's Congregation, to be our Minister and Pastor to administer ye ordinances of ye Gospel among us: All we, whose names are hereunto affixed, do promise and oblige ourselves to pay yearly and every year ye several sums annexed to our names, for ye outward support and Incouragement of ye said Mr. Samuel Black during his abode and continuance among us, for ye one half of his Labor in ye Administration of Gospel Ordinances to us in an orderly way, according, to ye Rules and Practice of our Orthodox Reformed Presbyterian Church: as Witness our hands: Michael Woods -- William Woods -- Archibald Woods -- William Wallace -- Andrew Wallace -- John Woods Sr. -- John Greer -- Thomas Lockhart -- Peter Hairston -- Adam Gaudylock -- Michael Woods Jr. -- William McCord -- John Gamble -- Davis Stockton -- Hugh Dobbins -- David Lewis -- James Gamble -- Charles Lambert -- John Monday -- Thomas Evins -- Thomas Wright -- William Little -- Nathan Woods -- Samuel Jameson -- John Lockhart -- Hendry Burch -- Thomas Alexander -- Patrick Woods -- John McCulloch -- William Ogans -- William Chamberlain -- Thomas Craig -- John Thompson -- John Corban -- Hendry Carr -- James Weir -- Robert McNeilly -- John Dicky -- William Norris -- John Kincaid -- John Woods Jr. -- John Jameson -- Benjamin Wheeler -- W. Bucknall -- John Burrisse -- Robert Stewart -- James Kincaid -- William Whiteside -- Andrew McWilliams -- William Bustard -- George Dawson -- Thomas Whiteside -- Joseph Kincaid -- Matthew Mullins -- John McCord -- Richard Stockton -- Archibald Woods. - Albemarle County in Virginia by Edgar Woods, Appendix No. 1, page 362. -- The original document was found by Mr. Nicholas Black in looking over the papers of his uncle, the late Thomas Black. It was published in the Charlottesville Chronicle of March 21st, 1879. ROCKFISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -- On 11 February 1752, in a deed between John McWorter and Alexander Patton for 170 acres, there is the following: "Excepting one acre and 35 poles sold and convied by deed by aforesaid James McCanne to John Reid, James Robertson and Samuel Bell their heirs and assigns forever under special trust by the the Presbyterian Inhabitants of Settlement of Rockfish to appropriate the said one acre and 35 poles of land for to build a meeting house upon for the public worship of God a school house and bringing ground to them, viz. the aforesaid Presbyterian Inhabitants." - Albemarle Deed Book 1, page 425. FSL #7644233 image 267.8 |
Grant* | On 10 September 1755, John McCord obtained a grant for 188 acres in Albemarle County on both sides of Moremans Rivernear the Blue Ridge Mountains. - Virginia Patents #31 1751-1756, page 669-670. Library of Virginia.9 ![]() |
Will* | On March 2, 1764, John McCord Senior, of Moremans River, left a will. He mentions his wife (without her name), sons John, Benjamin and William. He also mentions Christopher Harris. - Albemarle Will Book 2, pages 158-159. FSL #7643846, image 89.10,11 ![]() |
Death* | He died after 2 March 1764 in Albemarle, Virginia.10,8 |
Probate* | His estate was probated on 8 March 1764 in Albemarle, Virginia; John McCord's will was presented to the court on March 8, 1764 - Albemarle Will Book 2, pages 171-172. - Family Search Library Film #7643846, image 96.10,11 ![]() |
Probate | His estate was probated on 11 October 1764 in Albemarle, Virginia; An inventory of John McCord's estate was presented to the court on October 11, 1764 - Albemarle Will Book 2, pages 171-172. - Family Search Library Film #7643846, image 96.11 ![]() |
Family | Isabell (surname unknown) b. 1698 |
Children |
Sources (
- [S3454] Lofquist, Margaret U., The Genenealogical Record of Some McCord Families in America 1965,
- [S3582] Maupin, Socrates, Eugene Maupin, and Dorothy Maupin Shaffett. The Story of Gabriel And Marie Maupin: Huguenot Refugees to Virginia In 1700. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1994., unknown repository.
- [S3357] Blomquist, Ann K., Goochland County Virginia Court Order Book 4, 1735-1741, Heritage Books, 2010, unknown repository.
- [S219] Goochland County Road Orders, 1728-1744 - Nathan Mason Pawlett, Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 1975 VHTRC 75-R71…
- [S3080] Blomquist, Ann K., Goochland County Virginia Court Order Book 5, Heritage Books, 2007, Personal Collection - printed book.
- [S3272] Goochland County Virginia Court Order Book 5, 1741-1744, Reel 22, Page 3, Library of Virginia -
- [S3436] Nance, Joanne Lovelace, Albemarle County, Virginia, Court Order Book, 1744/45-1748. Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 26, May 1988, Number 2.,
- [S146] Woods, Edgar. Albemarle County in Virginia: Giving Some Account of What It Was by Nature, of What It Was Made by Man, and of Some of the Men Who Made It. Charlottesville, Va.: Michie Co., printers, 1901. Print., Personal Collection - printed book.
- [S3124] Hudgins, Dennis R. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants : Volume Seven, 1762-1776. Richmond, Va: Virginia Genealogical Society, 1999. Print., Personal Collection - printed book.
- [S3210] Miller, W. Harris. History and Genealogies of the Families of Miller, Woods, Harris, Wallace, Maupin, Oldham, Kavanaugh, and Brown (illustrated): with interspersions of notes of the families of Dabney, Reid, Martin, Broaddus, Gentry, Jarman, Jameson, Ballard, Mullins, Michie, Moberley, Covington, Browning, Duncan, Yancey, and others. Richmond, Ky.:, unknown repository.
- [S3588] King, J. E. S. (1940). Abstracts of wills, inventories, and administration accounts of Albemarle County, Virginia (1748-1800) Amherst County, Virginia (1761-1800)., Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Last Edited | 19 May 2024 |