ID#842, b. about 1748, d. 22 February 1823
Birth* | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON was born about 1748 in Virginia, based on grave marker dates. |
| She was the daughter of Andrew HAIRSTON and Elizabeth (surname unknown).1,2 |
Will | Andrew Hairston signed his will on 8 August 1771 and mentions his wife Elizabeth, sons; Peter and Hugh, daughters; Teney, Kitteran, Elizabeth, Precila, Ellenar, Margaret and Susana. He appoints his brother Samuel as his executor. However, Andrew Hairston did not die until 1782 and his sons Peter and Hugh had already died.1 |
Deed | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON witnessed the deed of Samuel HAIRSTON in 1781 in Campbell, Virginia; Samuel Hairston sells to William Hockins (Hawkins) 300 acres in Campbell County on Beaver Creek. The deed is dated 1781, but the day and month are not listed. The deed was witnesesd by John Wily, Bartlet Wily, Precilla Hairston (Samuel's neice). This deed was filed with the court on 3 June 1782 by William Hawkins, after Samuel Hairston died. It was proved by Bartlett Wiley and Prescilla Hairston 6 November 1782 and by John Hawkins on 6 November 1783. - Campbell County Deed Book 1, p. 188-191. FSL #8141162 image 106.  |
Deed | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON witnessed the deed of Samuel HAIRSTON in 1782 in Campbell, Virginia; In 1782- Samuel Hairston sells 300 acres to William Hockins. Samuel's niece Precilla Hairston is a witness. - Campbell County Deed Book 1, page 188. FSL #8141162 image 106. |
Will | In Samuel HAIRSTON's will dated 9 February 1782 in Campbell, Virginia, Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON was named as an heir.2   |
Probate | She was listed as a beneficiary in Andrew HAIRSTON's will on 6 June 1782 in Campbell, Virginia; Andrew Hairston's will, dated 08 Aug 1771, was proved in Campbell County Court on 6 June 1782.1  |
Probate | Andrew's wife, Elizabeth Hairston, the administrator of his estate, along with the other heirs, sold 400 acres of land to James Shearer on 4 September 1783. The deed was signed by Elizabeth Hairston, Alexander Forbes and his wife Jenny, Matthew Amox and his wife Catherine, Samuel Amox his wife Elanor, Prissialla Hairston, Margaret Hairston and Susanna Hairston. All of the women signed with a mark, usually indicating they could not write. - Campbell County Deed Book 2, page 9-10. FSL #8141162 image 224.  |
Probate | Elizabeth Herston, relic and administratrix of Andrew Herston Dec'd, Alexander Forbes and wife Janet, Mathew Amox and wife Catherine, Samuel Amox and wife Elinor, Prisscillah Herston, Margret Herston and Susannah Herston sold to John Wily 400 acres in Campbell County on 10 October 1784. - Campbell County Deed Book 2, page 48-50. FSL #8141162 image 244.  |
Property | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON witnessed the Property of Matthew AMYX and Samuel AMYX on 9 January 1787 in Botetourt, Virginia; On 9 January 1787, Matthew Amack and his wife Catherine, in compliance to his father's will, transfer land to his brother Samuel Amack. Witnessed by Priscilla Harriston, John Howard and James Smith. - Botetourt County Deed Book 3, page 451-452. Family Search Library Film #7893748, image 246. |
Marriage* | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON married David MOORE, son of John MOORE, on 11 September 1793 in Botetort, Virginia. The marriage record lists her name as Issilla Harston. The security and witness was John Moore, David's father. Priscilla would have been about 45 when married. - FSL #7578844, image 74.3,4,5,6,7   |
Probate | On February 11, 1794, David Moore and Prescilla, his wife, Margaret Hairston, and Susannah Hairston, all of Botetourt County, sold to Joseph Tweedy Jr. of Campbell County, for 110 pounds, one certain tract of land in Campbell County on Falling (River), Staunton River, and bounded by Hall, Johnson, Wilton, Ornsby, Watkins and Jenning's corner, Walton. The said 285 acres was ordered to be sold by the will of Andrew Hairston, father of the above named Precell, Margaret, and Susannah, who, in joint partnership, purchased the 285 acres (more of less). Signed - David Moore, Prescilla Moore, Margaret Hairston, Susannah Hairston. Wit - Robert Tweedy, Ambros Rosser, Robert Williamson. Recorded June 5, 1794. (NOTE: Catherine Amyx, the sister of Priscilla, Margaret and Susannah, is also living in Botetourt County, Virginia.) - Campbell County Deed Book 7, page 431. FSL #8141162 image 714.  |
Deed* | On 17 August 1799, Precilla Moore and her husband David Moore of Campbell County, Margaret Herston and Susannah Herston of Botetourt County sell to Archer Williamson 15 acres. - Campbell County Deed Book 4, page 634. FSL #7894512 image 349.  |
Probate | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON was listed as a beneficiary in Samuel HAIRSTON's will on 7 June 1814 in Campbell, Virginia; Written account of disbursement of Samuel Hairston's estate covering years from 1782 to 7 June 1814. It was not filed with the court until 14 July 1828. Note: "My tract of land at Kentucky containing two thousand acres" refers to the Virginia county named Kentucky County, that was formed from Fincastle County in 1776. Kentucky County was split into Jefferson, Lincoln and Fayette counties in 1780, all in Virginia. In 1788 the process to make these 3 counties into the state of Kentucky started and Kentucky became a state in 1792. - Inventory is in Campbell County Will Book 6, pages 141-146. FSL #7644404 image 82.2  |
Census 1820 | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON listed in the household of David MOORE in 1820 in Pittsylvania, Virginia; Males: 45+ 1, Females 45+ 1, Slaves 1.8  |
Death* | Priscilla Isabella HAIRSTON died on 22 February 1823 in Pittsylvania, Virginia. |
Burial* | She was buried; "A researcher recently found their old cemetery and posted the following on rootsweb: I found the gravestones of two Moores laying loose in a cow pasture near the Climax (Pittsylvania County, Virginia) community. Inscriptions read as follows: David Moore, died 31 Mar. 1831, aged about 90 years and Priscilla Moore, died 22 Feb 1823, aged about 75 years. These stones were on property later owned by the Booker T. Bennett family, whose cemetery is nearby, as well as the old home. They are about 0.5 miles from the main highway down a rough dirt road. This is not my line, but since the stones are some of the oldest I've found, I though they might be interesting to Moore researchers. David Moore did leave a will in Pittsylvania Co., but I haven't found a marriage for them. In his will he named three members of the Norcutt family. I was told that Moore took in the Norcutts and raised them." - |