ID#2463, b. about 1700, d. before 25 March 1776
Birth* | Joseph RENTFRO was born about 1700. |
| He was the son of John RENTFRO and Mary (surname unknown). |
Marriage* | Joseph RENTFRO married Mary (surname unknown) in 1724. |
Survey* | On 17 March 1747, Joseph Rentfro has 54 acres in Halifax County surveyed. A Stephen Rentfro ahs 400 acres surveyed on 18 March 1747, page 94. - Survey Book 1 page 95. FSL 8171700-130. |
Military* | "To Joseph Rentfroe, as Lieutenant 15.15.0" County of Bedford, Setember 1758 - Hening's Statutes at Large, Vol VII. |
Property* | 1760 - Joseph Rentfro of Bedford County took a Privy examination of Alice Brown relating to a property sale on 22 Sep 1760. Augusta County, Virginia Deed Book 8, p.403, 20 Aug 1760. |
Property | On 17 September 1761, Joseph Rentfro of Bedford County sold to James Rentfro of Halifax County, 905 acres in Halifax County. - Deed Book 3 page 198. FSL 7898198-572.  |
Property* | On 18 July 1765, Joseph Rentfro Sr. of Bedford County sold to Joseph Rentfro Jr. of Bedford County, 285 acres in Halifax County. - Deed Book 5 page 462. FSL 7898197-516. |
Court Record* | 3 April 1767 Bedford, Virginia, - Joseph Rentfro, Samuel Hairstone, John Phelps, Robert Ewing, Charles Talbot, William Mead, Richard Stith and Jeremaih Early were Justices of the Peace in Bedford County, Virginia.1 |
Will* | Joseph RENTFRO left a will on 14 November 1772 in Bedford, Virginia.2 |
Death* | He died before 25 March 1776 in Bedford, Virginia. |
Probate* | His estate was probated on 25 March 1776 in Will Book 1, page 243-245, Bedford, Virginia. Inventory & appraisel rec. 27 Apr. 1779. p. 344-345. Accounts rec. 27 July 1779. Will Book No. 1, 1763-1787 (Reel 25).2 |